Security Guards Myths Explained

Most people aren’t really aware of what a job in a patrol security company is like. This doesn’t stop them from inventing their own assumptions about security guards. This can make it harder on the PSI Security Guards in Atlanta, GA since people often make mistakes when writing job descriptions.

In this article, you will learn about the five most common myths about security guards.

In this post, learn five of the top myths people believe about security guards.

1. Security Guards Are Hired For Brute Strength

Most people believe that a patrol security company will send out the burliest men for the job. However, in most cases, security guards are picked for their brains and instincts. They play a larger role in keeping a business safe than anything else. Of course, it can be helpful to be physically fit so that their reflexes and overall health is optimum, but this is not the most important job requirement for security guards.

2. Security Guards Are Police Lite

Many people see PSI Security Guards in Atlanta, GA as people who are aspiring to be in the police or have dropped out from the academy. However, the process for becoming a professional security guard is a taxing and long-standing one. It has its own rigorous set of requirements and standards. For example, many may choose to work while carrying a weapon and be adequately trained for that.

Security guards also have to adhere to certain guard training, licensure, and certification. In Atlanta, GA, patrol security companies have to complete a training course every year to be a security guard.

PSI Security Guards in Atlanta, GA, do have some legal powers that are pretty similar to the police. Security guards can make an arrest if they see an individual committing a felony. They also have permission to detain the person with a probable cause in a reasonable manner.

3. The Job is Boring

This has continued to become one of the most persistent myths about security guards, probably perpetuated by scenes from various Hollywood movies. The myth is often that they sit around all day drinking coffee, eating donuts, and watching mundane, remote surveillance monitors.

However, this could not be further from the truth. They contently have to remain vigilant and alert to excel at their jobs.

5 Atlanta Security Guards Myths Debunked

4. There Is No Human Interaction

Security guards always have to work well with people contrary to popular belief. Due to the sensitivity of their role, they need to have really good people skills so that they can negotiate a compromise, diffuse conflict, enforce policies or protect and direct people.

5. Security Guards Require Their Own Security Company Insurance

It can be a good idea to carry a personal professional liability policy but in most cases, it falls on the employer to cover the security guards.

A security officer profession with PSI Security Guards in Atlanta, GA, can be a really successful and rewarding career path.

For more information about our security guard and patrol services in Atlanta, give us a call (770) 850-1111 or click here.