Businesses and professionals are always looking for ways to increase their security. Armed security guards are a very popular choice. This is because security risks threaten people, life, premises, and the reputation of the company too. As a business owner, you have the choice to hire armed or unarmed guards to protect your property and employees. Whether or not you hire an armed security guard depends on your personal decision. Here are a few benefits of choosing an armed security guard.

Higher Sense Of Security

Security guards will make you feel safer and will make your business look more professional. If you are dealing with expensive merchandise or a lot of money, you should consider having armed security guards. Employees are trained to know when they should draw their weapons and know-how to protect themselves and their business. Your business will be a difficult target to thieves.

Is Private Security Considered Law Enforcement

Armed Guards Are Thoroughly Trained

Security firms are made to make sure that they fully train their guards before they are released for any assignments. They are professionally trained on how to handle the weapons, which are also licensed and cannot be misused. They are trained in weaponry, and they have to pass a set standard to be a security guard. They are professionals at what they do. You can contact any Atlanta security company to choose trained guards.

Quick Response To Crime

Armed security guards are a perfect way to protect your property and employees. Their advanced training and experience allow them to be more capable of responding to any sort of crime that might occur. Armed guards have their own special skills and can focus on any potential problems and deal with them. They can also easily work hand in hand with the police when needed.

Are Security Are Put Through An Extensive Background Check

Security guards always have to go through a background check before they can be entrusted with the responsibility of being armed. FBI background checks are given to armed guards because they will be entrusted with weapons. However, it is illegal to have a gun without a valid permit, and the fingerprints of all armed guards have to be checked to ensure that they can legally carry a weapon.

PSI Security Service training


After a long career in the army, ex-military officers have the skills and knowledge to train security guards for your business. With a security officer background and training, you can be confident that your business is being protected. The security guard is responsible for monitoring camera feeds, which makes surveillance easy, and you can concentrate on running your business with great peace of mind.

Armed Security Guards Are First Line Of Defense

Police officers, military personnel, and other armed security guards are trained to protect the general public and to prevent and apprehend criminals. They are usually armed with guns, but they are also able to prevent financial and emotional loss as well. If you are concerned about the safety of your employees, you can hire unarmed security guards to help you protect them. Armed guards are better than unarmed guards because they are better at dealing with crime.

Questions about armed and unarmed guards? PSI Security can assist you in determining and establishing a complete security service and protection program that will fit your needs and budget. Contact us at (770) 850-1111 or click here to send us a message.